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/ Internet Info 1994 March / Internet Info CD-ROM (Walnut Creek) (March 1994).iso / answers / alt / alt-newsgroups / part3 < prev    next >
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  1. Newsgroups: alt.config,alt.newgroup,alt.answers,news.admin.misc,news.groups
  2. Path: bloom-beacon.mit.edu!hookup!europa.eng.gtefsd.com!MathWorks.Com!mvb.saic.com!news.cerf.net!usc!cs.utexas.edu!utnut!utzoo!telly!whome!gts!news
  3. From: news@GTS.ORG (UseNet News)
  4. Subject: Another listing of newsgroups in the "alt" hierarchy, Part 3 of 3
  5. Message-ID: <Co4Kvn.F31@GTS.ORG>
  6. Approved: news@gts.org
  7. Date: Tue, 12 Apr 1994 02:42:57 GMT
  8. Expires: Sun, 24 Apr 1994 23:59:59 GMT
  9. Organization: G. T. S., Toronto, Ontario
  10. Followup-To: alt.newgroup,alt.config
  11. Lines: 972
  12. Xref: bloom-beacon.mit.edu alt.config:21079 alt.newgroup:76 alt.answers:2409 news.admin.misc:9393 news.groups:43822
  14. Archive-name: alt-newsgroups/part3
  15. Last-modified: 11 April 1994 by news@gts.org
  18. alt.polyamory        0004836    For those who maintain multiple love relationships.
  19. alt.postmodern        0007511    Postmodernism, semiotics, deconstruction, and the like.
  20. alt.president            =alt.president.clinton
  21. alt.president-clinton        =alt.president.clinton
  22. alt.president.clinton    0008406    Will the CIA undermine his efforts?
  23. alt.prisons        0000372    Where Haitians with AIDS are kept, for example.
  24. alt.privacy        0008597    (no comment).
  25. alt.privacy.anon-server    0000372    Technical & policy matters of anonymous contact servers.
  26. alt.privacy.clipper    0002467    Ya can't tell who the bad guys are without a program.
  27. alt.privacy.pgp            =alt.security.pgp
  28. alt.pro.whale.hunting        =alt.kill.the.whales
  29. alt.prophecies.nostradamus    \
  30.             0000198    He said it so it must be true.
  31. alt.prose            =rec.arts.prose
  32. alt.prose.d            =rec.arts.prose
  33. alt.psychoactives    0003344    Drugs for the spirit rather than the body.
  34. alt.psychology        0000180    And how does that make you feel...
  35. alt.psychology.help        =alt.psychology
  36. alt.psychology.personality    \
  37.             0001932    Personality taxonomy, such as Myers-Briggs.
  38. alt.psychotic.roommates    0000000    .
  39. alt.pub-ban        0000342    .
  40. alt.pub-ban.homolka        =alt.pub-ban
  41. alt.pub.cloven-shield    0000170    S-F role-playing.
  42. alt.pub.coffeehouse.amethyst    \
  43.             0001044    A virtual place to hang out.
  44. alt.pub.dragons-inn        =alt.dragons-inn
  45. alt.pub.havens-rest    0000450    S-F role-playing.
  46. alt.pud            0000140    "Discussion of the TFiLE PuD!@#@#!@$!" Whatever.
  47. alt.pulp        0000282    Paperback fiction, newsprint production, orange juice.
  48. alt.punk        0000823    Approved by Mister Donut.
  49. alt.punk.straight-edge    0000007    Shaving eyebrows for fun and profit.
  50. alt.puns        0000000    Happiness is a warm pun (yes it is).
  51. alt.puns.joey-buttafuoco    \
  52.             0000007    The possibilities are almost endless.
  53. alt.putz.bickering.whining.weiner    \
  54.             0000009    Flames.
  55. alt.ql                =alt.ql.creative
  56. alt.ql.creative        0000202    The "Quantum Leap" tv show.
  57. alt.quake        0000002    About California and other earthquakes.
  58. alt.quotations        0004294    Another form of sampling.
  59. alt.radio-shack.bill-bixby.dead.dead.dead    \
  60.             0000041    He's dead, Jim.
  61. alt.radio.digital    0000020    News & Talk about Digital Audio Broadcasting (DAB).
  62. alt.radio.internet        =alt.internet.talk.radio
  63. alt.radio.netw        0000000    .
  64. alt.radio.networks.npr    0000498    National Public Radio.
  65. alt.radio.pirate    0001804    Hide the gear, here comes the magic station-wagons.
  66. alt.radio.scanner        =rec.radio.scanner
  67. alt.rap            0013418    Yo, gangsta.
  68. alt.rap-gdead        0000529    Fans of The Grateful Dead and Rap. Really.
  69. alt.rasap        0000000    Reactions of Advanced Students And their Problems (RASAP).
  70. alt.rave        0010534    Techno-culture: music, dancing, drugs, dancing...
  71. alt.rec.camping        0000032    Camping out in "alt" 'til the real thing comes along.
  72. alt.recovery        0009747    For people in recovery programs (e.g., AA, ACA, GA).
  73. alt.recovery.catholicism    \
  74.             0000001    Group for Former Roman Catholics.
  75. alt.recovery.codependency    \
  76.             0000206    Recovering from the disease of codependency.
  77. alt.recovery.religion    0000059    .
  78. alt.recovery.sexual-abuse    =alt.abuse-recovery
  79. alt.religion            =talk.religion.misc
  80. alt.religion.adm3a    0000025    Which of the 17 termcap entries works with yours?
  81. alt.religion.all-worlds    0000358    Grokking the Church of All Worlds from Heinlein's book.
  82. alt.religion.christian    0000120    Unmoderated forum for discussing Christianity.
  83. alt.religion.compuserve    0000000    .
  84. alt.religion.computers    0004236    The One True Path, many times over.
  85. alt.religion.darren.aitcheson    \
  86.             0000000    .
  87. alt.religion.eckankar    0000152    Purports to be a religion of the Light and Sound of God.
  88. alt.religion.emacs    0001124    The Two True Path.
  89. alt.religion.fuddology    0000001    .
  90. alt.religion.gnostic    0000004    .
  91. alt.religion.islam    0000128    .
  92. alt.religion.kibology    0013617    He's Fred, Jim.
  93. alt.religion.linux    0000000    There's no such thing as a free unix.
  94. alt.religion.monica    0001774    Discussion about net-venus Monica and her works.
  95. alt.religion.newage        =talk.religion.newage
  96. alt.religion.osi    0000000    .
  97. alt.religion.pcboard    0000001    For people who like to "echo" "mail" on Usenet.
  98. alt.religion.sabaean    0000164    Discussions about the Sabaean religious order.
  99. alt.religion.santaism    0000129    Devil-worshipping dyslexics.
  100. alt.religion.scientology    \
  101.             0004192    He's dead, Jim.
  102. alt.religion.sexuality    0000145    The politics of sexuality and religion.
  103. alt.religion.shamanism    0000029    Unmoderated version of soc.religion.shamanism.
  104. alt.religion.vince    0000055    A state-sponsored TV network is next.
  105. alt.reserved        0000001    .
  106. alt.restaurants            =rec.food.restaurants
  107. alt.resumix.getlost.getlost    \
  108.             0000000    For users of Resumix.
  109. alt.retromod            =alt.fan.dick-depew
  110. alt.revenge        0000455    We'll get you for this!!
  111. alt.revisionism        0005735    "It CAN'T be that way 'cause here's the FACTS".
  112. alt.revolution.counter    0000598    Discussions of counter-revolutionary issues.
  113. alt.rhode_island    0001772    Discussion of the great little state.
  114. alt.rissa        0000409    Fans (and otherwise) of Patricia O'Tuama.
  115. alt.rmgroup        0000116    For the people who like to rmgroup/newgroup things.
  116. alt.rock-and-roll        =alt.rock-n-roll
  117. alt.rock-n-roll        0045126    Counterpart to alt.sex and alt.drugs.
  118. alt.rock-n-roll.acdc    0000844    Another pop group.
  119. alt.rock-n-roll.aerosmith    \
  120.             0000044    Another pop group.
  121. alt.rock-n-roll.classic    0003569    Like the Mac classic and the Sparc classic.
  122. alt.rock-n-roll.hard    0001849    Music where stance is everything.
  123. alt.rock-n-roll.heavy        =alt.rock-n-roll.metal.heavy
  124. alt.rock-n-roll.metal    0024302    For the headbangers on the net.
  125. alt.rock-n-roll.metal.death    \
  126.             0000225    Is there another kind?
  127. alt.rock-n-roll.metal.gnr    \
  128.             0001576    "Axl Rose" is an anagram for "Oral Sex".
  129. alt.rock-n-roll.metal.heavy    \
  130.             0007428    Non-sissyboy metal bands.
  131. alt.rock-n-roll.metal.ironmaiden    \
  132.             0000931    Another pop group.
  133. alt.rock-n-roll.metal.metallica    \
  134.             0003590    Another pop group.
  135. alt.rock-n-roll.metal.progressive    \
  136.             0001432    Slayer teams up with Tom Cora.
  137. alt.rock-n-roll.oldies    0000925    Shoo-shoop-be-wop (de-do-lo-do), naaaa-neeohhh...
  138. alt.rock-n-roll.progressive    =alt.music.progressive
  139. alt.rock-n-roll.stones    0000178    Another pop group.
  140. alt.rock-n-roll.symphonic    \
  141.             0000202    Cognitive dissonance in an orchestral mode.
  142. alt.rock.n.roll            =alt.rock-n-roll
  143. alt.rodney-king            =alt.rodney.king
  144. alt.rodney.dangerfield    0000023    A newsgroup that don't get no respect.
  145. alt.rodney.king        0002795    He got beat up by the LA cops.
  146. alt.roland.sgroup        =alt.binaries.sounds.roland
  147. alt.romance        0034722    No sex.
  148. alt.romance.chat    0034222    Talk about no sex.
  149. alt.romance.chat.indiana.barf.barf.barf    \
  150.                 =alt.romance.chat
  151. alt.romance.unhappy    0000000    Why Nice Guys (TM) and Nice Gals (TM) never meet anyone.
  152. alt.rush-limbaugh    0071962    A fiend.
  153. alt.rush-limbaugh.trans        =alt.rush-limbaugh
  154. alt.rv            0000000    General discussions about Recreational Vehicles.
  155. alt.sadistic.dentists.drill.drill.drill    \
  156.             0000018    Novocaine won't help you.
  157. alt.satanism        0003146    Not such a bad dude once you get to know him.
  158. alt.satannet        0000084    Equal time.
  159. alt.satannet.barney        =alt.satannet
  160. alt.satellite.tv.europe    0001274    All about European satellite tv.
  161. alt.satellite.tv.forsale    \
  162.             0000031    Satellite Equipment wanted/forsale.
  163. alt.save.bosnia        0000000    .
  164. alt.save.the.earth    0002736    Well, you can try.
  165. alt.sb                =comp.sys.ibm.pc.soundcard
  166. alt.sb.programmer        =comp.sys.ibm.pc.soundcard
  167. alt.sca                =rec.org.sca
  168. alt.scam        0000001    .
  169. alt.sci                =sci.misc
  170. alt.sci.astro            =sci.astro
  171. alt.sci.astro.aips    0000123    Discussions on the Astronomical Image Processing System.
  172. alt.sci.astro.figaro    0000125    Discussion about the Figaro data reduction package.
  173. alt.sci.astro.fits        =sci.astro.fits
  174. alt.sci.image-facility    0000024    .
  175. alt.sci.physics            =sci.physics
  176. alt.sci.physics.acoustics    \
  177.             0000518    Sound advice.
  178. alt.sci.physics.new-theories    \
  179.             0003345    How many electrons can dance on the head of a proton?
  180. alt.sci.physics.plutonium    \
  181.             0000369    Ka-BOOM.
  182. alt.sci.physics.spam        =alt.spam.tin
  183. alt.sci.planetary    0001615    Studies in planetary science.
  184. alt.sci.sociology    0000201    Discussion of all aspects of sociology.
  185. alt.sci.spectroscopy        =sci.techniques.spectroscopy
  186. alt.sci.tech.indonesian    0000225    How will this help East Timor?
  187. alt.scientology.scam.scam.scam    =alt.clearing.scam.scam.scam
  188. alt.scooter        0000079    Motor scooters (Vespas, Lambrettas, etc.).
  189. alt.scooter.classic    0000000    .
  190. alt.scouting.fun    0000000    .
  191. alt.sect.ahmadiyya    0000041    Discussion of the Ahmadiyyat sect of Islam.
  192. alt.sect.telecom    0000004    .
  193. alt.security            =comp.security.misc
  194. alt.security.index    0000077    Pointers to good stuff in misc.security. (Moderated)
  195. alt.security.keydist    0000105    Exchange of keys for public key encryption systems.
  196. alt.security.pgp    0006842    The Pretty Good Privacy package.
  197. alt.security.ripem    0000474    A secure email system illegal to export from the US.
  198. alt.sega.genesis        =rec.games.video.sega
  199. alt.self-improve    0001277    Self-improvement in less than 14 characters.
  200. alt.set            0000000    .
  201. alt.sewing            =rec.crafts.textiles
  202. alt.sex            0112210    Postings of a prurient nature.
  203. alt.sex.NOT        0000130    For those who've had enough of sex, or else want to.
  204. alt.sex.aluminum.baseball.bat    \
  205.             0000037    Postings of a very prurient nature.
  206. alt.sex.beastiality        =alt.sex.bestiality
  207. alt.sex.bestiality    0005219    Happiness is a warm puppy.
  208. alt.sex.bestiality.barney    \
  209.             0000161    "I love youuu, you love meeee..."
  210. alt.sex.bestiality.cats.and.dogs    \
  211.             0000000    Both kinds of "petting" happen here.
  212. alt.sex.bestiality.hamster.duct-tape    \
  213.             0000115    That little squeek they make is so *cute*...
  214. alt.sex.bondage        0049842    Postings about dominance/submission.
  215. alt.sex.bondage.golden.showers.sheep    \
  216.             0000000    If it's mentioned in Wired it must be true.
  217. alt.sex.bondage.particle-physics    \
  218.                 =alt.sex.bondage.particle.physics
  219. alt.sex.bondage.particle.physics    \
  220.             0000118    The real truth about Buckyballs.
  221. alt.sex.bondage.pictures    =alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.bondage
  222. alt.sex.boredom        0000249    ...sigh...
  223. alt.sex.carasso        0000182    Where Carasso's SO is himself.
  224. alt.sex.carasso.snuggles    \
  225.             0000025    I can't talk, my mouth is full.
  226. alt.sex.enemas        0000009    Are Joey B. jokes allowed here?
  227. alt.sex.exhibitionism    0000175    So you want to be a star.
  228. alt.sex.extraterrestrial    \
  229.             0000000    Discussion of sex with aliens.
  230. alt.sex.extropians    0000002    Sex lives of extropians in intimate & revealing detail.
  231. alt.sex.fat        0000007    .
  232. alt.sex.femdom        0000000    Discussions about female dominant DS relationships.
  233. alt.sex.fetish.amputee    0000010    Discussing the erotic qualities of amputees.
  234. alt.sex.fetish.debbie.gibson    =alt.fan.debbie.gibson
  235. alt.sex.fetish.diapers    0000056    For those that wish to change themselves.
  236. alt.sex.fetish.fa    0000025    Fat-Admirers.
  237. alt.sex.fetish.fashion    0000156    Fetish clothing (but that covers most of it, really).
  238. alt.sex.fetish.fat        =alt.sex.fetish.fa
  239. alt.sex.fetish.feet    0000247    Kiss them. Now.
  240. alt.sex.fetish.hair    0000085    Not just about the stuff growing on your palms.
  241. alt.sex.fetish.orientals    \
  242.             0000506    The mysteries of Asia are a potent lure.
  243. alt.sex.fetish.waifs    0000010    .
  244. alt.sex.fetish.watersports    =alt.sex.watersports
  245. alt.sex.graphics        =alt.binaries.pictures.erotica
  246. alt.sex.graphics.d        =alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.d
  247. alt.sex.head        0000001    Tales of certain erotic activities.
  248. alt.sex.ho        0000004    Gangsta fun.
  249. alt.sex.homosexual    0006556    As the name implies.
  250. alt.sex.intergen    0000143    "Hellllooo, baby..." - the Big Boffer
  251. alt.sex.masterbation        =alt.sex.masturbation
  252. alt.sex.masturbation    0002765    Where one's SO is oneself.
  253. alt.sex.misc            =alt.sex
  254. alt.sex.motss        0004622    Members Of The Same Sex.
  255. alt.sex.movies        0010829    For fans of Traci Lords, Hypatia Lee, and others.
  256. alt.sex.music.body.hair    0000000    Back to basics.
  257. alt.sex.nasal-hair    0000000    Discussion of nasal hair in a sexual context.
  258. alt.sex.nfs        0000012    The pleasures and complications of remote mounting.
  259. alt.sex.not            =alt.sex.NOT
  260. alt.sex.nudels.me.too    0000018    .
  261. alt.sex.pedophile.mike-labbe    \
  262.             0000023    Is this slander or libel? You decide.
  263. alt.sex.personals    0000000    .
  264. alt.sex.phone        0000000    .
  265. alt.sex.pictures        =alt.binaries.pictures.erotica
  266. alt.sex.pictures.carasso    =alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.d
  267. alt.sex.pictures.d        =alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.d
  268. alt.sex.pictures.erotica.female    =alt.binaries.pictures.erotica
  269. alt.sex.pictures.erotica.male    =alt.binaries.pictures.erotica
  270. alt.sex.pictures.female        =alt.binaries.pictures.erotica
  271. alt.sex.pictures.flame        =alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.d
  272. alt.sex.pictures.male        =alt.binaries.pictures.erotica
  273. alt.sex.pictures.misc        =alt.binaries.pictures.erotica
  274. alt.sex.politics    0000001    .
  275. alt.sex.prevost-derbecker    \
  276.             0000001    U. of Waterloo "porn" freaker.
  277. alt.sex.prevost.derbecker    =alt.sex.prevost-derbecker
  278. alt.sex.services    0000116    The oldest profession.
  279. alt.sex.software.dumpsite.sex.leather.boink    \
  280.             0000000    .
  281. alt.sex.sonja        0000048    Yesssss....
  282. alt.sex.sounds            =alt.binaries.sounds.erotica
  283. alt.sex.spanking    0000228    Newsgroup for spanking enthusiasts.
  284. alt.sex.stories        0008694    For those who need it *NOW*.
  285. alt.sex.stories.d    0001514    For those who talk about needing it *NOW*.
  286. alt.sex.strip-clubs    0000138    Discussion of strip clubs, exotic dancers, etc.
  287. alt.sex.toupee        0000000    .
  288. alt.sex.trans        0003030    Transsexuality.
  289. alt.sex.voyeurism    0000080    You do it, I'll just sit here and watch.
  290. alt.sex.wanted        0001830    Requests for erotica, either literary or in the flesh.
  291. alt.sex.wanted.me-too        =alt.sex.wanted
  292. alt.sex.watersports    0000180    Fun for duckies.
  293. alt.sex.wizards        0005387    Questions for only true sex wizards.
  294. alt.sex.woody-allen    0000152    Honey, I fnord the kids.
  295. alt.sex.zoophilia    0000000    Having sex with animals and respecting them too. (Moderated)
  296. alt.sexual-harassment    0000000    .
  297. alt.sexual.abuse.recovery    \
  298.             0014536    Helping others deal with traumatic experiences.
  299. alt.sexual.abuse.recovery.d    =alt.sexual.abuse.recovery
  300. alt.sexy.bald.captains    0000271    More Stardrek.
  301. alt.sf4m        0000035    Stony Brook Science Fiction Forum discussions.
  302. alt.shenanigans        0002823    Practical jokes, pranks, randomness, etc.
  303. alt.shitkickers        0000000    Yeeeeee-HAAAAWWWWWWW!!
  304. alt.showbiz.gossip    0000760    Who's doing what to whom in showbiz.
  305. alt.shrinky.dinks    0000050    What are they?
  306. alt.shut.the.hell.up.geek    \
  307.             0000168    Typical yanqui intolerant humor.
  308. alt.sigma2.height    0000049    Big or small, come one come all.
  309. alt.sigma2.penis    0000072    The bigger they are, the softer they fall.
  310. alt.silly-group.im-matt    0000028    .
  311. alt.silly-group.lampreys    \
  312.             0000031    Jawless parasitical fish.
  313. alt.silly-group.radish-therapy    \
  314.             0000000    A vegetable is a terrible thing to waste.
  315. alt.silly.group.names.d    0000086    Eponymy.
  316. alt.silver        0000000    .
  317. alt.skate            =rec.skate
  318. alt.skate-board        0001915    Discussion of all aspects of skate-boarding.
  319. alt.skeptic        0000004    .
  320. alt.skinheads        0004752    The skinhead culture/anti-culture.
  321. alt.skopjea.is.not.macedonia    \
  322.             0000000    .
  323. alt.skunks        0000209    Nice lil' critters.
  324. alt.slack        0011049    Posting relating to the Church of the Subgenius.
  325. alt.slack.BoB.dirtbag    0000022    Posting berating to the Church of the Subgenius.
  326. alt.slack.Bob.dirtbag        =alt.slack.BoB.dirtbag
  327. alt.slack.bob.dirtbag        =alt.slack.BoB.dirtbag
  328. alt.slick.willy.tax.tax.tax    =alt.president.clinton
  329. alt.slime        0000002    Worse than lawyers.
  330. alt.smokers        0001193    One of the most addictive drugs known.
  331. alt.smokers.cigars    0000054    A peculiar habit.
  332. alt.smokers.cough        =alt.smokers
  333. alt.smoking.mooses    0000034    .
  334. alt.smouldering.dog.zone    \
  335.             0000390    It could be your future.
  336. alt.snail-mail        0000340    Postal non-electronic mail: policy and technology.
  337. alt.snowmobiles        0000987    RRRRrrrrrr. rrrRRRRRrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.....
  338. alt.soc.ethics        0000236    .
  339. alt.society.anarchy        =alt.anarchism
  340. alt.society.ati        0000023    The Activist Times Digest. (Moderated)
  341. alt.society.civil-disob    0000152    "Nobody tells ME what to do".
  342. alt.society.civil-disobedience    =alt.society.civil-disob
  343. alt.society.civil-libertie    =alt.society.civil-liberties
  344. alt.society.civil-liberties    \
  345.             0012082    Individual rights.
  346. alt.society.civil-liberty    =alt.society.civil-liberties
  347. alt.society.conservatism    \
  348.             0002099    Social, cultural, and political conservatism.
  349. alt.society.cu-digest        =comp.society.cu-digest
  350. alt.society.etrnl-vigilanc    \
  351.             0000031    A Barry Goldwater fan club.
  352. alt.society.foia        =alt.freedom.of.information.act
  353. alt.society.futures        =comp.society.futures
  354. alt.society.generation-x    \
  355.             0006247    Lifestyles of those born 1960-early-1970s.
  356. alt.society.resistance    0000829    Ohm's law applied to social science.
  357. alt.society.revolution    0000971    Talking about revolting developments.
  358. alt.society.sovereign    0000158    Independantistes, unite!
  359. alt.society.underwear    0000000    .
  360. alt.sociology            =alt.sci.sociology
  361. alt.soft-sys.corel.draw        =alt.corel.graphics
  362. alt.soft-sys.corel.misc        =alt.corel.graphics
  363. alt.soft-sys.tooltalk    0000164    Forum for ToolTalk related issues.
  364. alt.soulmates        0000123    But what if Richard Bach's true love lived in Mongolia?
  365. alt.sour.grapes        0000000    Jealousy and its compensations.
  366. alt.source-code            =alt.sources
  367. alt.source.amiga        =alt.sources.amiga
  368. alt.sources        0008212    Alternative source code, unmoderated. Caveat Emptor.
  369. alt.sources.amiga    0001439    Source code for the Amiga.
  370. alt.sources.amiga.d    0000017    Discussion of technically-oriented Amiga PC sources.
  371. alt.sources.d        0004122    Discussion of posted sources.
  372. alt.sources.index    0000299    Pointers to source code in alt.sources.*. (Moderated)
  373. alt.sources.mac        0000158    Moderator, we don't need no steenkin'...
  374. alt.sources.mac.d    0000008    ...or maybe we do...
  375. alt.sources.misc        =alt.sources
  376. alt.sources.patches    0000133    Reposted patches from non-bugs groups.
  377. alt.sources.unix        =alt.sources
  378. alt.sources.wanted    0004577    Requests for source code.
  379. alt.space        0000000    .
  380. alt.spam            =alt.spam.tin
  381. alt.spam.tin        0000928    Spam is neither particle nor wave - it is a property.
  382. alt.spank.tonya.harding    0000928    Thin ice...
  383. alt.spleen        0000274    Cronenberg has one of the prettiest ones.
  384. alt.sport            =rec.sport.misc
  385. alt.sport.basketball.nba.orl-magic    \
  386.                 =alt.sports.basketball.nba.orl-magic
  387. alt.sport.bowling    0003554    In the gutter again.
  388. alt.sport.bungee    0000685    Like alt.suicide with rubber bands.
  389. alt.sport.darts        0001206    Look what you've done to the wall!
  390. alt.sport.falconry    0000000    The taking of live game by using a trained raptor.
  391. alt.sport.foosball    0000231    For discussion of foosball and table soccer.
  392. alt.sport.hockey.nhl.tor-mapleleafs    \
  393.                 =alt.sports.hockey.nhl.tor-mapleleafs
  394. alt.sport.jet-ski    0000001    Discussion of Personal Watercraft.
  395. alt.sport.lasertag    0000512    Indoor splatball with infrared lasers.
  396. alt.sport.officiating    0000269    Problems related to officiating athletic contests.
  397. alt.sport.paintball        =rec.sport.paintball
  398. alt.sport.photon    0000143    Light amusement.
  399. alt.sport.pool        0000693    Knock your balls into your pockets for fun.
  400. alt.sport.racquetball    0000093    All aspects of indoor racquetball and related sports.
  401. alt.sport.raquetball        =alt.sport.racquetball
  402. alt.sport.squash    0000100    Not concerned with pumpkins or bugstomping.
  403. alt.sports.baseball.atlanta-braves    \
  404.             0001117    Atlanta Braves major league baseball.
  405. alt.sports.baseball.balt-orioles    \
  406.             0000500    Baltimore Orioles major league baseball.
  407. alt.sports.baseball.bos-redsox    \
  408.             0000009    Boston Red Sox major league baseball.
  409. alt.sports.baseball.calif-angels    \
  410.             0000000    California Angels major league baseball.
  411. alt.sports.baseball.chi-whitesox    \
  412.             0000000    Chicago White Sox major league baseball.
  413. alt.sports.baseball.chicago-cubs    \
  414.             0000364    Chicago Cubs major league baseball.
  415. alt.sports.baseball.cinci-reds    \
  416.             0000150    Cincinnati Reds major league baseball talk.
  417. alt.sports.baseball.cleve-indians    \
  418.             0000005    Cleveland Indians major league baseball talk.
  419. alt.sports.baseball.col-rockies    \
  420.             0000085    Colorado Rockies major league baseball talk.
  421. alt.sports.baseball.detroit-tigers    \
  422.             0000002    Detroit Tigers baseball.
  423. alt.sports.baseball.fla-marlins    \
  424.             0000040    Florida Marlins major league baseball.
  425. alt.sports.baseball.houston-astros    \
  426.             0000175    Houston Astros major league baseball.
  427. alt.sports.baseball.kc-royals    \
  428.             0000000    Kansas City Royals major league baseball.
  429. alt.sports.baseball.la-dodgers    \
  430.             0000417    Los Angeles Dodgers major league baseball talk.
  431. alt.sports.baseball.minor-leagues    \
  432.             0000083    Minor League baseball.
  433. alt.sports.baseball.mke-brewers    \
  434.             0000158    Milwaukee Brewers major league baseball.
  435. alt.sports.baseball.mke-brewers.suck.suck.suck    \
  436.                 =alt.sports.baseball.mke-brewers
  437. alt.sports.baseball.mn-twins    \
  438.             0000071    Minnesota Twins major league baseball.
  439. alt.sports.baseball.mn-twins.lose.lose.lose    \
  440.                 =alt.sports.baseball.mn-twins
  441. alt.sports.baseball.montreal-expos    \
  442.             0000220    Montreal Expos major league baseball.
  443. alt.sports.baseball.ny-mets    \
  444.             0000254    New York Mets major league baseball.
  445. alt.sports.baseball.ny-yankees    \
  446.             0000218    New York Yankees major league baseball.
  447. alt.sports.baseball.oakland-as    \
  448.             0000091    Oakland A's major league baseball.
  449. alt.sports.baseball.phila-phillies    \
  450.             0000751    Philadelphia Phillies baseball talk.
  451. alt.sports.baseball.pitt-pirates    \
  452.             0000135    Pittsburgh Pirates baseball talk.
  453. alt.sports.baseball.sd-padres    \
  454.             0000045    San Diego Padres major league baseball talk.
  455. alt.sports.baseball.sea-mariners    \
  456.             0000000    Seattle Mariners major league baseball.
  457. alt.sports.baseball.sf-giants    \
  458.             0000704    San Francisco Giants baseball talk.
  459. alt.sports.baseball.stl-cardinals    \
  460.             0000292    St. Louis Cardinals baseball talk.
  461. alt.sports.baseball.texas-rangers    \
  462.             0000000    Texas Rangers baseball talk.
  463. alt.sports.baseball.tor-bluejays    \
  464.             0000484    Toronto Blue Jays baseball talk.
  465. alt.sports.basketball.ivy.penn    \
  466.             0000006    Basketball at Penn State.
  467. alt.sports.basketball.nba.atlanta-hawks    \
  468.             0000000    Discuss Atlanta Hawks.
  469. alt.sports.basketball.nba.char-hornets    \
  470.             0000000    Dell Curry and the other Hornets.
  471. alt.sports.basketball.nba.hou-rockets    \
  472.             0000001    The Houston Rockets NBA team.
  473. alt.sports.basketball.nba.la-lakers    \
  474.             0000007    For discussion of the L.A. Lakers.
  475. alt.sports.basketball.nba.miami-heat    \
  476.             0000000    Miami Heat NBA Basketball.
  477. alt.sports.basketball.nba.mn-wolves    \
  478.             0000008    .
  479. alt.sports.basketball.nba.nj-nets    \
  480.             0000020    New Jersey Nets NBA basketball.
  481. alt.sports.basketball.nba.orl-magic    \
  482.             0000002    Orlando Magic NBA Basketball.
  483. alt.sports.basketball.nba.orlando-magic    \
  484.                 =alt.sports.basketball.nba.orl-magic
  485. alt.sports.basketball.nba.phx-suns    \
  486.             0000009    .
  487. alt.sports.basketball.nba.seattle-sonics    \
  488.             0000000    The Seattle Supersonics.
  489. alt.sports.basketball.nba.utah-jazz    \
  490.             0000000    Utah Jazz NBA basketball.
  491. alt.sports.basketball.nba.wash-bullets    \
  492.             0000010    .
  493. alt.sports.basketball.pro.ny-knicks    \
  494.             0000024    .
  495. alt.sports.college.ivy-league    \
  496.             0000153    .
  497. alt.sports.darts        =alt.sport.darts
  498. alt.sports.football.arena    \
  499.             0000000    Discussion of the Arena Football League.
  500. alt.sports.football.mn-vikings    \
  501.             0000640    Discussion of the Minnesota Vikings.
  502. alt.sports.football.pro.buffalo-bills    \
  503.             0000146    Buffalo Bills NFL football talk.
  504. alt.sports.football.pro.car-panthers    \
  505.             0000011    Carolina Panthers NFL football talk.
  506. alt.sports.football.pro.dallas-cowboys    \
  507.             0000353    Dallas Cowboys NFL football talk.
  508. alt.sports.football.pro.denver-broncos    \
  509.             0000000    Denver Broncos NFL football talk.
  510. alt.sports.football.pro.gb-packers    \
  511.             0000482    Green Bay Packers NFL football talk.
  512. alt.sports.football.pro.jville-jaguars    \
  513.             0000019    .
  514. alt.sports.football.pro.la-raiders    \
  515.             0000009    .
  516. alt.sports.football.pro.miami-dolphins    \
  517.             0000126    Miami Dolphins NFL football talk.
  518. alt.sports.football.pro.ne-patriots    \
  519.             0000087    New England Patriots NFL football talk.
  520. alt.sports.football.pro.no-saints    \
  521.             0000058    .
  522. alt.sports.football.pro.ny-giants    \
  523.             0000175    New York Giants NFL football.
  524. alt.sports.football.pro.ny-jets    \
  525.             0000038    .
  526. alt.sports.football.pro.phila-eagles    \
  527.             0000000    Philadelphia Eagles NFL Football.
  528. alt.sports.football.pro.phoe-cardinals    \
  529.             0000013    .
  530. alt.sports.football.pro.pitt-steelers    \
  531.             0000062    .
  532. alt.sports.football.pro.sd-chargers    \
  533.             0000002    .
  534. alt.sports.football.pro.sea-seahawks    \
  535.             0000034    Seattle Seahawks NFL football.
  536. alt.sports.football.pro.sf-49ers    \
  537.             0000110    San Francisco 49ers NFL football talk.
  538. alt.sports.football.pro.tampabay-bucs    \
  539.             0000002    .
  540. alt.sports.football.pro.wash-redskins    \
  541.             0000716    Discussion of the Washington Redskins.
  542. alt.sports.hockey.echl    0000010    East Coast Hockey League minor league hockey.
  543. alt.sports.hockey.ihl    0000000    International Hockey League.
  544. alt.sports.hockey.nhl.buffalo-sabres    \
  545.             0000032    Buffalo Sabres NHL hockey talk
  546. alt.sports.hockey.nhl.chi-blackhawks    \
  547.             0000031    Chicago Black Hawks NHL hockey talk.
  548. alt.sports.hockey.nhl.dallas-stars    \
  549.             0000000    Dallas Stars NHL Hockey.
  550. alt.sports.hockey.nhl.hford-whalers    \
  551.             0000010    Hartford Whalers NHL hockey talk.
  552. alt.sports.hockey.nhl.la-kings    \
  553.             0000064    For discussion of the Los Angeles Kings.
  554. alt.sports.hockey.nhl.mtl-canadiens    \
  555.             0000030    Montreal Canadiens NHL hockey talk.
  556. alt.sports.hockey.nhl.nj-devils    \
  557.             0000064    New Jersey Devils NHL hockey talk.
  558. alt.sports.hockey.nhl.ny-islanders    \
  559.             0000038    .
  560. alt.sports.hockey.nhl.ny-rangers    \
  561.             0000041    New York Rangers NHL hockey talk.
  562. alt.sports.hockey.nhl.sj-sharks    \
  563.             0000062    .
  564. alt.sports.hockey.nhl.tor-mapleleafs    \
  565.             0000072    Toronto Maple Leafs NHL hockey talk.
  566. alt.sports.hockey.nhl.vanc-canucks    \
  567.             0000021    Vancouver Canucks NHL hockey talk.
  568. alt.sports.hockey.nhl.wash-capitals    \
  569.             0000022    Washington Capitals NHL hockey talk.
  570. alt.sports.hockey.nhl.winnipeg-jets    \
  571.             0000154    Winnipeg Jets NHL Hockey talk.
  572. alt.sports.hockey.uhf    0000000    Hockey-watching on UHF.
  573. alt.sports.hockey.vhf    0000000    Hockey-watching on VHF.
  574. alt.sports.hockey.whl    0000000    Western Hockey League.
  575. alt.ssmg.die.die.die    0000000    .
  576. alt.stagecraft        0000939    Technical theatre issues.
  577. alt.starfleet.rpg    0000325    Starfleet role playing stories.
  578. alt.startrek            =rec.arts.startrek.misc
  579. alt.startrek.creative    0005062    Stories and parodies related to Star Trek.
  580. alt.startrek.klingon        =alt.klingon
  581. alt.strange.beasts.of.the.night    \
  582.             0000000    Spooky stuff.
  583. alt.stupid.kutz.putz    0000000    Getting the last word.
  584. alt.stupid.putz        0000143    Getting the next-to-the-last word.
  585. alt.stupid.putz.BoB.BoB.BoB    \
  586.             0000020    "BoB" and "Barney" may be the same "person".
  587. alt.stupid.putz.bob.bob.bob    =alt.stupid.putz.BoB.BoB.BoB
  588. alt.stupid.putz.gritzner    \
  589.             0000029    Thomas Gritzner pseudo-fans.
  590. alt.stupid.religious.discussion    \
  591.             0000013    Is there another kind?
  592. alt.stupid.signature.flame.flame.flame    \
  593.                 =alt.fan.warlord
  594. alt.stupidity        0009342    Enough is enough, alright?
  595. alt.suburbia            =alt.suburbs
  596. alt.suburbs        0000218    Where does the city end, and the 'burbs begin?
  597. alt.suicide            =alt.suicide.holiday
  598. alt.suicide.finals    0000173    The Final solution.
  599. alt.suicide.holiday    0007335    Go ahead, I dare you.
  600. alt.suit.att-bsdi    0000838    Is this where David gets Goliath again?
  601. alt.super.nes            =rec.games.video.nintendo
  602. alt.superman.dead        =alt.comics.superman.dies.dies.dies
  603. alt.superman.dies        =alt.comics.superman.dies.dies.dies
  604. alt.supermodels        0004279    Discussing famous & beautiful models.
  605. alt.supermodels.pics        =alt.binaries.pictures.supermodels
  606. alt.support        0003428    Dealing with emotional situations & experiences.
  607. alt.support.abuse-partners    \
  608.             0000035    Partners of people who were abused.
  609. alt.support.arthritis    0000094    Dealing with the problems of arthritis.
  610. alt.support.attn-deficit    \
  611.             0000374    Info/Discus of Attention Deficit Disorder
  612. alt.support.big-folks    0003014    Sizeism can be as awful as sexism or racism.
  613. alt.support.cancer    0000799    Support mechanism for those dealing with cancer.
  614. alt.support.cfs-cfids    0000000    Support for Chronic Fatigue & Immune Dysfunction Syndrome.
  615. alt.support.crohns-colitis    \
  616.             0000039    Ulcarative colitis & related difficulties.
  617. alt.support.depression    0000168    .
  618. alt.support.diet    0005579    Seeking enlightenment through weight loss.
  619. alt.support.dieting        =alt.support.diet
  620. alt.support.divorce    0000049    Discussion of marital breakups.
  621. alt.support.eating-disord    \
  622.             0000030    People over the edge about weight loss.
  623. alt.support.jock-strap    0000004    .
  624. alt.support.mohan-babu.angst    \
  625.             0000000    Discussion of pedophiles.
  626. alt.support.mult-sclerosis    \
  627.             0001479    Discussion about living with multiple sclerosis.
  628. alt.support.obesity    0000008    Support/resources to treat obesity. (Moderated)
  629. alt.support.spina-bifida    \
  630.             0000023    Social and medical aspects of spina bifida.
  631. alt.support.step-parents    \
  632.             0000319    Difficulties of being a step-parent.
  633. alt.support.stop-smoking    \
  634.             0000002    Current developments in the arena of quitting smoking.
  635. alt.support.stuttering    0000000    Stuttering and other speaking difficulties.
  636. alt.support.tall    0000066    Issues of interest to tall people.
  637. alt.support.tinnitus    0000056    Coping with ringing ears and other head noises.
  638. alt.surfing        0004068    Riding the ocean waves.
  639. alt.surrealism        0000290    Their foot.
  640. alt.sustainable.agriculture    \
  641.             0001328    Such as the Mekong delta before Agent Orange.
  642. alt.svens.house.of.12.year-old.lust    \
  643.             0000004    .
  644. alt.swedish.chef.bork.bork.bork    \
  645.             0005343    Don't ask.
  646. alt.swine.oink.oink.oink    \
  647.             0000038    Old MacDonald had a newsgroup.
  648. alt.syntax.tactical    0000051    .
  649. alt.sys.amiga.datacomm        =comp.sys.amiga.datacomm
  650. alt.sys.amiga.demos    0003813    Emergency Amigectomies - apply at head office.
  651. alt.sys.amiga.patches        =alt.sys.amiga.uucp.patches
  652. alt.sys.amiga.software.pirate    \
  653.             0000000    .
  654. alt.sys.amiga.uucp    0001198    Discussion about AmigaUUCP.
  655. alt.sys.amiga.uucp.patches    \
  656.             0000418    Patches to the AmigaUUCP system.
  657. alt.sys.hp48            =comp.sys.hp48
  658. alt.sys.intergraph    0001064    Support for Intergraph systems.
  659. alt.sys.mac.games    0000000    .
  660. alt.sys.os2            =comp.os.os2.misc
  661. alt.sys.pc-clone.gateway2000    \
  662.             0004259    A PC clone vendor.
  663. alt.sys.pc-clone.zeos    0000027    .
  664. alt.sys.pc532            =comp.sys.nsc.32k
  665. alt.sys.pdp11        0000050    .
  666. alt.sys.pdp8        0000389    There's an X Windows port in progress...
  667. alt.sys.perq        0000299    Three Rivers systems, from the early eighties.
  668. alt.sys.sun            =comp.sys.sun.misc
  669. alt.sys.unisys            =comp.sys.unisys
  670. alt.taiwan.republic        =soc.culture.taiwan
  671. alt.tarot        0000010    In this card game you play for keeps...
  672. alt.tasteless        0025839    Truly disgusting.
  673. alt.tasteless.humor        =alt.tasteless.jokes
  674. alt.tasteless.johan.wevers    =alt.tasteless
  675. alt.tasteless.jokes    0007867    Sometimes insulting rather than disgusting or humorous.
  676. alt.tasteless.penis    0000075    Not a recipe group (we hope!).
  677. alt.tasteless.pictures        =alt.binaries.pictures.tasteless
  678. alt.techno-shamanism    0000031    But can they make the name work on SysV Unix or MS-DOS?
  679. alt.technology.misc    0001151    Another well-focused alt group.
  680. alt.technology.mkt-failure    \
  681.             0000005    Promising technologies which failed.
  682. alt.technology.obsolete    0000050    So-called "obsolete" technologies.
  683. alt.technology.smartcards    \
  684.             0000002    "Smart" credit cards.
  685. alt.ted.frank.troll.troll.troll    \
  686.             0000193    .
  687. alt.tennis            =rec.sport.tennis
  688. alt.test        0044984    Alternative subnetwork testing.
  689. alt.test.control        =alt.test
  690. alt.test.my.new.group        =alt.test
  691. alt.test.test            =alt.test
  692. alt.test.test.test        =alt.test
  693. alt.test.z            =alt.test
  694. alt.text.dwb        0000205    Discussion of the AT&T Documenter's WorkBench.
  695. alt.thinking.hurts    0000090    Sometimes.
  696. alt.this.group.has.the.longest.name.of.any.alt.group.there.is.just.to.mess.up.your.newsreader    \
  697.             0000000    Stripping the threads on the screws of your existence.
  698. alt.thrash        0003255    Thrashlife.
  699. alt.timewasters        0000425    A Dutch computer club; perhaps a microcosm of Usenet...
  700. alt.tinygirls        0000001    .
  701. alt.tired.of.fifteen.newgroups.a.day.cut.it.out    \
  702.             0000000    .
  703. alt.tla            0000143    Palindromic fun, or else Three-Letter-Acronyms.
  704. alt.todd.green.likes.it.up.the.butt    \
  705.             0000033    Typical yanqui sexist humor.
  706. alt.toolkits            =alt.toolkits.xview
  707. alt.toolkits.xview    0001892    The X windows XView toolkit.
  708. alt.toon-pics        0000206    More copyright violations.
  709. alt.toys.hi-tech        =alt.modern.techno.toys
  710. alt.toys.lego            =rec.toys.lego
  711. alt.toys.transformers    0001726    From robots to vehicles and back again.
  712. alt.traffic.atlanta    0000005    .
  713. alt.transgendered        =alt.sex.trans
  714. alt.trash            =alt.thrash
  715. alt.travel.road-trip    0000467    Not just for fans of Valerie Buhagiar.
  716. alt.tribbles        0000000    Nobody knows th tribbles I seen...
  717. alt.true-crime            =alt.true.crime
  718. alt.true.crime        0000389    To balance out all the false crime on the net.
  719. alt.tv                =alt.tv.misc
  720. alt.tv.90120.sucks.sucks.sucks    =alt.tv.90210
  721. alt.tv.90210        0005211    Teenyboppers on tv.
  722. alt.tv.animaniacs    0004372    Spielberg is involved in this.
  723. alt.tv.antagonists    0000075    Fans of the new "The Antagonists" TV show.
  724. alt.tv.babylon-5    0007208    Casablanca in space.
  725. alt.tv.barney            =alt.tv.dinosaurs.barney.die.die.die
  726. alt.tv.beakmans-world    0000423    The syndicated TV science/comedy show Beakman's World.
  727. alt.tv.beavis            =alt.tv.beavis-n-butthead
  728. alt.tv.beavis-n-butthead    \
  729.             0002177    MTV's answer to Ren and Stimpy.
  730. alt.tv.bh90210            =alt.tv.90210
  731. alt.tv.brady-bunch    0000020    .
  732. alt.tv.brisco-county    0000000    A western comedy adventure.
  733. alt.tv.conan        0000099    Another late nite TV host.
  734. alt.tv.deep-space9    0000000    Sort of a Gilligan's Island in the future.
  735. alt.tv.dinosaur.barney.die    =alt.tv.dinosaurs.barney.die.die.die
  736. alt.tv.dinosaur.barney.die.die    =alt.tv.dinosaurs.barney.die.die.die
  737. alt.tv.dinosaur.barney.die.die.die    \
  738.                 =alt.tv.dinosaurs.barney.die.die.die
  739. alt.tv.dinosaurs    0000520    The bigger they are...
  740. alt.tv.dinosaurs.barney        =alt.tv.dinosaurs.barney.die.die.die
  741. alt.tv.dinosaurs.barney.die.die.die    \
  742.             0005632    Hostility towards a *NICE* critter.
  743. alt.tv.duckman        0000000    Discussion of the TV show, Duckman.
  744. alt.tv.eek-the-cat    0000022    Fans of the television show "Eek The Cat"
  745. alt.tv.fifteen        0000188    Nickelodeon's show, "Fifteen", etc.
  746. alt.tv.game-shows    0000134    Just look at these wonderful prizes.
  747. alt.tv.highlander    0000006    Dedicated to "Highlander".
  748. alt.tv.infomercials    0000324    Yes! Ron Popeil is telling the truth! Depend on it!
  749. alt.tv.infomercials.Don-LaPre.DIE.DIE.DIE    \
  750.             0000007    Is this man the Anti-Popeil?
  751. alt.tv.kids-in-hall    0000335    Nifty, eh?
  752. alt.tv.la-law        0001318    For the folks out in la-law land.
  753. alt.tv.liquid-tv    0000711    Right there on your pitcher tube.
  754. alt.tv.lois-n-clark    0000070    The new adventures of the man from Krypton, Superman.
  755. alt.tv.mad-about-you    0000133    .
  756. alt.tv.mash        0001343    M*A*S*H, the Korean Conflict's 4077th army hospital.
  757. alt.tv.max-headroom        =alt.fan.max-headroom
  758. alt.tv.melrose-place    0002829    More teenyboppers on tv.
  759. alt.tv.misc        0000007    Better to talk about it than watch it.
  760. alt.tv.mst3k            =alt.fan.mst3k
  761. alt.tv.muppets            =alt.swedish.chef.bork.bork.bork
  762. alt.tv.mwc        0000549    "Married... With Children".
  763. alt.tv.nickelodeon    0000005    A network for kids.
  764. alt.tv.northern-exp    0006257    For the TV show with moss growing on it.
  765. alt.tv.nypd-blue    0000053    The eyes are blue in this one.
  766. alt.tv.parker-lewis    0000000    Synchronize swatches.
  767. alt.tv.prisoner        0004521    About the cult-classic show.
  768. alt.tv.red-dwarf    0004621    The British sci-fi/comedy show.
  769. alt.tv.ren-and-stimpy        =alt.tv.ren-n-stimpy
  770. alt.tv.ren-n-stimpy    0006219    Some change from Lassie, eh?
  771. alt.tv.rockford-files    0000090    Some say Garner at his best.
  772. alt.tv.saved-bell        =alt.tv.saved-by-the-bell
  773. alt.tv.saved-by-the-bell    \
  774.             0000382    Fans of the clapper.
  775. alt.tv.seinfeld        0005916    A funny guy.
  776. alt.tv.simpsons        0017992    Don't have a cow, man!
  777. alt.tv.simpsons.itchy-scratchy    =alt.fan.itchy-n-scratchy
  778. alt.tv.sn            =alt.tv.snl
  779. alt.tv.snl        0001069    The Saturday Nite Limbaugh ...errr, *Live* TV show.
  780. alt.tv.snl.snl.snl        =alt.tv.snl
  781. alt.tv.talkshows.daytime    \
  782.             0000024    Babble.
  783. alt.tv.talkshows.late    0000469    More babble.
  784. alt.tv.taz-mania    0000000    What a devil of a newsgroup.
  785. alt.tv.the-heights.cancelled.cancelled.cancelled    \
  786.             0000000    How do you talk to an angel?
  787. alt.tv.time-traxx    0000124    Warner's syndicated time travel show.
  788. alt.tv.tiny-toon    0010791    Discussion about the "Tiny Toon Adventures" show.
  789. alt.tv.tiny-toon.fandom        =alt.tv.tiny-toon
  790. alt.tv.tiny-toon.plucky-duck    \
  791.             0000191    Discussion about "The Plucky Duck Show".
  792. alt.tv.tiny-toon.sex    0000058    JP wanted this for some reason.
  793. alt.tv.tiny-toons        =alt.tv.tiny-toon
  794. alt.tv.twin-peaks    0020255    Instant cult.
  795. alt.tv.x-files        0000641    Extra-terrestrial coverup conspiracies.
  796. alt.tx.maps            =comp.mail.maps
  797. alt.ucb.class.suicide.c169    =alt.suicide.finals
  798. alt.unix.wizards        =comp.unix.wizards
  799. alt.unix.wizards.free    0000017    There's no such thing as a free wizard.
  800. alt.unsubscribe-me    0000052    From what? Perhaps useful in some non-Net contexts too.
  801. alt.urban.folklore        =alt.folklore.urban
  802. alt.usage.english    0017829    English grammar, word usages, and related topics.
  803. alt.usage.german    0000212    German grammar, word usages, and related topics.
  804. alt.usenet.addict    0000094    Net.withdrawal - the ultimate torture.
  805. alt.usenet.kooks    0001251    I have a theory about why we have such crazy theories.
  806. alt.usenet.offline-reader    =alt.usenet.offline.reader
  807. alt.usenet.offline.reader    \
  808.             0000768    Maximizing usage of scarce resources.
  809. alt.usenet.recovery    0000169    Reupholster your news reader.
  810. alt.utensils.spork        =alt.plastic.utensils.spork.spork.spork
  811. alt.uu.announce        0000051    Announcements of Usenet University.
  812. alt.uu.comp.misc    0000029    Computer department of Usenet University.
  813. alt.uu.comp.os.linux.questions    \
  814.             0000263    UU Linux learning group - the Q&A column.
  815. alt.uu.fan.newgroup.jyrki.jyrki.jyrk    \
  816.             0000003    .
  817. alt.uu.future        0000727    Planning the future of Usenet University.
  818. alt.uu.lang.esperanto.misc    \
  819.             0000136    Study of Esperanto in Usenet University.
  820. alt.uu.lang.misc    0000037    Language department of Usenet University.
  821. alt.uu.lang.russian.misc    \
  822.             0000105    Study of Russian in Usenet University.
  823. alt.uu.math.misc    0000094    Math department of Usenet University.
  824. alt.uu.misc.misc    0000016    Miscellaneous departments of Usenet University.
  825. alt.uu.tools        0000041    Tools for Usenet University and education.
  826. alt.uu.virtual-worlds.misc    \
  827.             0000143    Study of virtual worlds in Usenet University.
  828. alt.uucp.dos        0000000    Discussing uucp implementations under ms-dos.
  829. alt.uw.cs.upl        0000000    U. of Wisconsin stuff.
  830. alt.vampyres        0004581    Welcome to the children of the night...
  831. alt.vespa            =alt.scooter
  832. alt.video.games.classic        =rec.games.video.classic
  833. alt.video.games.reviews    0000037    Reviews of the latest video games
  834. alt.video.laserdisc    0002638    Discussion of LaserDisc hardware and software.
  835. alt.vigilantes        0000038    For banditos, desperados, vigilantes, and weirdos.
  836. alt.virtual-adepts    0000000    .
  837. alt.visa        0000000    .
  838. alt.visa.us        0002858    Discussion/information on visas pertaining to US.
  839. alt.wais            =comp.infosystems.wais
  840. alt.wall        0000035    "5397 miles to Wall Drug". (Moderated)
  841. alt.wanted            =misc.wanted
  842. alt.wanted.mars.women    0000230    Gorgonzola. Halvah. Gado-gado. 04732 51996 38017.
  843. alt.wanted.moslem.bestiality    \
  844.             0000013    It won't be too popular with some folks.
  845. alt.wanted.moslem.gay    0000194    This is not suggested reading for the intolerant.
  846. alt.wanted.moslem.men    0000054    Does this include Salman Rushdie?
  847. alt.wanted.moslem.women    0000057    For those so inclined.
  848. alt.wanted.muslem.bestiality    =alt.wanted.moslem.bestiality
  849. alt.war            0003585    Not just collateral damage.
  850. alt.war.civil.usa    0005275    Lest we forget...
  851. alt.war.vietnam        0001712    Lest we forget...
  852. alt.waves        0000024    .
  853. alt.wedding        0004074    Til death or our lawyers do us part.
  854. alt.wee.willie.wisner    0000020    The guy who came in from the cold (for a while, anyway).
  855. alt.weemba        0000176    Talk & flames about the one & only Weemba.
  856. alt.weemba.flame        =alt.weemba
  857. alt.weemba.math            =alt.weemba
  858. alt.weemba.physics        =alt.weemba
  859. alt.weemba.sheep        =alt.weemba
  860. alt.wesley-dodd.hang.hang.hang    \
  861.             0000004    He's dead, Jim.
  862. alt.wesley.crusher.die.die.die    =alt.ensign.wesley.die.die.die
  863. alt.wheel.of.time    0000000    Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time series.
  864. alt.whine        0000765    Why me?
  865. alt.whistleblowing    0000182    Exposing fraud, polluters, etc.
  866. alt.who.goes.there    0000000    "Aaah choo! I hate spring."
  867. alt.who.is.bob        0000238    Send $11.
  868. alt.windows.cde        0000015    .
  869. alt.windows.text    0000011    Text-based (i.e., non-graphical) window systems.
  870. alt.winnet        0000000    Usenet News & uucp for MS-DOS Windows.
  871. alt.winsock        0002078    MS-DOS Windows Sockets info.
  872. alt.winsock.hackers    0000000    .
  873. alt.winsock.users    0000000    .
  874. alt.wired        0003642    Discussion of Wired magazine.
  875. alt.wolves        0000861    Discussing wolves & wolf-mix dogs.
  876. alt.wonderment.bgjw    0000002    Making up urban legends at McGill U. & other places.
  877. alt.woof            =alt.doggy.sounds
  878. alt.world.taeis        0000039    The shared-world project "Taeis".
  879. alt.world.thunder-thumbs    \
  880.             0000000    .
  881. alt.wpi.negativland.subgenii.for.rent    \
  882.             0000094    Not to be missed.
  883. alt.x-headers.overboard    0000004    RFC-822 may have opened up Pandora's box.
  884. alt.x-windows.bugs    0000000    Just like it sez.
  885. alt.year.1976        0000014    Some liked it so much they're doing it again.
  886. alt.zen            0000220    Zazen, the fine art of just sitting.
  887. alt.zima        0000061    A beverage.
  888. alt.zine.wer            =alt.co-evolution
  889. alt.zines        0001459    Thousands of twisty little magazines, all different.
  890. alt.znet.aeo        0000000    Atari Explorer Online magazine.
  891. alt.znet.fnet        0000390    Z*NET-related FNET topics & gateway.
  892. alt.znet.mag        0000000    Z*NET-related magazine topics.
  893. alt.znet.pc        0000053    Z*NET International PC, an ASCII magazine.
  894. alt.zuke        0000000    For Tim.
  895. comp.sys.intergraph        =alt.sys.intergraph
  896. info.academic.freedom        =alt.comp.acad-freedom.news
  897. news.members            =alt.news.members
  898. nocturnal.ufo            =alt.paranet.ufo
  899. psu.flame            =alt.flame.psu
  900. psu.lame            =alt.flame.psu
  901. rec.arts.tv.tiny-toon        =alt.tv.tiny-toon
  902. rec.fart            =alt.tasteless
  903. rec.kibo.hunting        =alt.exploding.kibo
  904. rec.music.alternative        =alt.music.alternative
  905. rec.music.hardcore        =alt.music.hardcore
  906. rec.pets.rabbits        =alt.pets.rabbits
  907. rec.skateboard            =alt.skate-board
  908. rec.skateboard.thrash.new    =alt.skate-board
  909. rec.skateboard.thrash.reviews    =alt.skate-board
  910. sci.sociology            =alt.sci.sociology
  911. sci.textiles.ntc        =alt.ntc-textile-res
  912. soc.bi.papal-bull        =alt.bi.papal-bull
  913. soc.culture.ecsd        =alt.fan.eric-dynamic
  914. soc.culture.indian.american    =alt.culture.us.asian-indian
  915. talk.politics.clinton        =alt.politics.clinton
  916. talk.politics.elections        =alt.politics.elections
  919.  --------- 8< --------- 8< --------- 8< --------- 8< --------- 8< ---------
  922. Here is a list of email addresses for contacting the
  923. moderators of some of the moderated newsgroups in the
  924. "alt" news hierarchy:
  927. alt.answers
  928.         Jonathan Kamens         news-answers-request@mit.edu
  929. alt.cellular
  930.     Todd Reese        todd@gwinnett.com
  931. alt.atheism.moderated
  932.     mathew            atheism-request@mantis.co.uk
  933. alt.binaries.pictures.fine-art.d
  934.     Laurence Leff        mflll@uxa.ecn.bgu.edu
  935. alt.binaries.pictures.fine-art.graphics
  936.     Laurence Leff        mflll@uxa.ecn.bgu.edu
  937. alt.binaries.pictures.fine-art.digitized
  938.     Laurence Leff        mflll@uxa.ecn.bgu.edu
  939. alt.folklore.info
  940.     Terry J. Wood        tjw@vms.cis.pitt.edu
  941. alt.gourmand
  942.     Brian Reid        recipes-request@decwrl.dec.com
  943. alt.irc.announce
  944.     Helen T. Rose Davis    hrose@rocza.kei.com
  947. ------
  950. Here is a list of email addresses for submitting
  951. articles to moderated newsgoups in the "alt" news
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  955. alt.abuse-recovery        aar-list@twwells.com
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  957. alt.atheism.moderated        atheism@mantis.co.uk
  958. alt.binaries.pictures.fine-art.d    artcomp@uxa.ecn.bgu.edu
  959. alt.binaries.pictures.fine-art.digitized    artcomp@uxa.ecn.bgu.edu
  960. alt.binaries.pictures.fine-art.graphics    artcomp@uxa.ecn.bgu.edu
  961. alt.cellular            .
  962. alt.comp.acad-freedom.news    caf-news@eff.org
  963. alt.dev.null            "|cat >/dev/null"
  964. alt.folklore.info        wood@vms.cis.pitt.edu
  965. alt.gourmand            recipes@decwrl.dec.com
  966. alt.hackers            news
  967. alt.hindu            editor@rbhatnagar.csm.uc.edu
  968. alt.hotrod            hotrod@dixie.com
  969. alt.humor.best-of-usenet    best@polaris.async.vt.edu
  970. alt.india.progressive        biju+@pitt.edu
  971. alt.indian.superior        pras0005@student.tc.umn.edu
  972. alt.irc.announce        alt-irc-announce@kei.com
  973. alt.materials.simulation    alt-materials-simulation@engin.umich.edu
  974. alt.politics.democrats        news-submit@dc.clinton-gore.org
  975. alt.politics.democrats.clinton    news-submit@dc.clinton-gore.org
  976. alt.politics.democrats.governors    news-submit@dc.clinton-gore.org
  977. alt.politics.democrats.house    news-submit@dc.clinton-gore.org
  978. alt.politics.democrats.senate    news-submit@dc.clinton-gore.org
  979. alt.security.index        kyle@uunet.uu.net
  980. alt.sex.zoophilia        kayotae@mindvox.phantom.com
  981. alt.society.ati            gzero@tronsbox.xei.com
  982. alt.sources.index        kyle@uunet.uu.net
  983. alt.support.obesity        alt-support-obesity@kaiwan.com
  984. alt.wall            news@jyu.fi